Meet Dr. Vinnie Cappetta, Coach and Licensed counselor

Intensive Christian Counseling for Grief, Trauma, and Emotional Healing

Dr. Vinnie Cappetta leaning on a wooden railing with autumn foliage in the background, representing leadership in guiding personal growth and self-discovery at Check Your Compass.

Welcome to Your Path to Peace

Youโ€™re in the right place.

I'm Dr. Vinnie Cappetta, and Iโ€™m here to walk alongside you and empower you on your journey from distress to the perfect peace of Godโ€ฆ

Why do I do this? Because Iโ€™ve been there myself. Iโ€™ve felt the weight of grief, loss, and trauma deeplyโ€”Iโ€™ve lived it. For nine tough years, I grappled with these challenges, searching for a way to heal and find lasting peace. The turning point came when I surrendered my unhealthy coping patterns to God, and everything changed.

Now, my mission is clearโ€”to guide others with the same expertise and compassion that helped me find my way. Together, weโ€™ll navigate lifeโ€™s toughest transitions and the intense emotions that come with them. Along this path, weโ€™ll uncover healing, resilience, and the profound peace found in Christ.

Letโ€™s walk this journey together. Iโ€™m here to support you, drawing from both my professional experience and the wisdom gained through my own journey. Weโ€™ll find the peace youโ€™re seekingโ€”hand in hand, with God leading the way.


Dr. Vinnie Cappetta walking pensively on a forest trail with autumn leaves, symbolizing reflection and personal growth at Check Your Compass.

Christ-Centered Counseling Approach

Walking Together Toward Wholeness

I believe that God walks beside us on our journey to wholeness. What sets me apart is not just my role as a counselor but my personal experience of navigating life's storms and finding peace through God's grace. My background as a licensed counselor is enriched by a deep, personal understanding of the challenges you may be facing. Having journeyed a similar path, I offer you not just professional expertise but a compassionate, guiding hand.

At the heart of my practice is a Christ-centered approach, where prayer and spiritual guidance are intricately woven into every session. Together, we embark on a transformative journey, hand in hand, honoring God's presence as we move toward His promise of Perfect Peace.

Our sessions are grounded in proven psychological principles, paired with the timeless wisdom of scripture, ensuring that your healing is both profound and lasting. This process is not only about addressing challenges but about discovering the Perfect Peace that God intends for youโ€”a peace that surpasses all understanding.

We work side by side in a collaborative process, recognizing your unique path and inviting God's guidance to illuminate the way. Throughout this journey, I will equip you with practical tools, rooted in both psychology and faith, empowering you to manage emotions, face challenges, and embrace a life of peace and purpose.

Learn More About Our โ€œPerfect Peaceโ€ Framework

Our Strengths

Dr. Vinnie Cappetta sitting on a large rock in an outdoor setting, playfully flexing his muscles, symbolizing strength and confidence in personal growth at Check Your Compass.


If you're someone whoโ€™s curious about the deep connections within Godโ€™s creation, youโ€™re in the right place. My approach is all about bringing care, understanding, and genuine support to the forefront. Think of me as a bridge builder, helping you connect the dots in your life that may feel scattered. Together, we'll uncover the hidden gems of purpose and meaning that God has intricately woven into every aspect of your journey. every aspect of your journey.

Lifelong Learner

Do you enjoy the process of learning and growth? I share that passion with you! For me, itโ€™s not just about gaining knowledge but embracing the journey from curiosity to mastery. Itโ€™s like exploring a new trail where every step reveals something beautiful and exciting. Together, weโ€™ll celebrate each discovery and the joy that comes with personal and spiritual growth.

Committed Believer

When you choose to work with me, youโ€™re not just getting a counselorโ€”youโ€™re partnering with someone whoโ€™s deeply rooted in values like family, spirituality, responsibility, and unwavering integrity. Iโ€™m committed to these principles, so you can count on finding stability, trust, and consistent support as you move forward in your healing journey. Iโ€™m here to offer more than just counseling; Iโ€™m here to provide a transformative experience that aligns with your values and helps you see the world through a renewed, faith-filled perspective.

Purposely Focused

Iโ€™m here to help you navigate life with clarity and purpose. Think of me as your personal GPSโ€”together, weโ€™ll figure out what really matters to you and set clear goals to get you there. Iโ€™ll help you check if what youโ€™re doing is moving you closer to those goals or just keeping you busy. And if you ever find yourself drifting off course, donโ€™t worryโ€”Iโ€™ll be there to help you get back on track and stay focused, even when life throws distractions your way.

Potential Developer

I see the God-given potential in every person I work with because we are all created in His image. Together, weโ€™ll unlock that potential by challenging and nurturing your spiritual and personal growth. Through our work, weโ€™ll create experiences that lead to profound transformation, helping you step into the fullness of who God has called you to be.

Dr. Vinnieโ€™s Journey to Healing and Faith

Experience the transformative power of God through my journey of resilience, faith, and miraculous healing. After the heartbreaking loss of my mother and step-father at age ten, Godโ€™s light guided me from despair to hope and profound healing.

In this video, I share my testimonyโ€”how God led me from darkness into His unfailing love, and how this journey has impacted others. This is not just my story; itโ€™s a testament to the boundless hope and healing available through Jesus.

Watch My Testimony to discover the healing that awaits youโ€ฆ

My Family

Iโ€™m blessed to share my life with my incredible wife, Heather, and our three wonderful daughters.

Our journey as a family began when Heather and I crossed paths during our college years in Jacksonville, Florida, back in 1993. Heather, originally from North Carolina, has a heart for mentoring younger women and tending to the essential needs of her elderly clients. Together, we are blessed with three amazing daughtersโ€”one navigating the exciting world of college, another flourishing in high school, and our youngest exploring the dynamic landscape of junior high.

My personal experiences within the framework of family have profoundly shaped my approach to counseling. Heather and I often share with young couples preparing for marriage that the journey isnโ€™t always easy, but itโ€™s profoundly worth it. Through the joys and challenges of married life, weโ€™ve discovered that itโ€™s one of the most powerful tools in Godโ€™s hands to shape our character.

I understand the challenges that families often face because Iโ€™ve been through them myself. Early in our marriage, Heather and I encountered significant hurdles that tested the strength of our relationship. Each pregnancy brought its unique set of trials as Heather battled hyperemesis, a debilitating illness. These experiences not only tested our faith but also strengthened our resolve to face lifeโ€™s difficulties together.

Our family has also navigated issues such as grief, trauma, and strained relationships. Heatherโ€™s battles with hyperemesis brought an element of trauma into our lives, teaching us the importance of resilience and mutual support. We also faced a decade-long struggle in our relationships with extended family membersโ€”a challenging journey that taught us valuable lessons in communication, forgiveness, and the necessity of setting healthy boundaries.

Balancing my counseling work with my family life is a priority for me. When Iโ€™m with my clients, Iโ€™m fully committed to their well-being. At the same time, Iโ€™ve set clear boundaries to ensure I have quality time with my family, cherishing every moment with my wife and daughters.

The values and principles instilled within our familyโ€”teamwork, kindness, fun, and encouragementโ€”arenโ€™t just words; theyโ€™re woven into the fabric of how I approach my work as a counselor.

I hope that my experiences and insights from family life can be a source of strength and guidance for you as we embark on a journey of healing and transformation together.

Dr. Vinnie Cappetta's three daughters standing outdoors, smiling together, representing family connection and support in the journey of personal growth at Check Your Compass.
Dr. Vinnie Cappetta standing outdoors with his wife, both smiling and embracing, symbolizing connection and support in the journey of personal growth at Check Your Compass.

Dr. Vinnieโ€™s Counseling Qualifications and Education

Dr. Vinnie Cappetta reading a book outdoors, symbolizing the importance of faith-inspired learning and personal growth at Check Your Compass.

Dr. Vinnie Cappetta, International Coach and Licensed Counselor in the State of Massachusetts

  • Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from Framingham State University: ๐ŸŽ“ My counseling journey began here, laying the groundwork for my career in counseling and coaching.

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Counseling, Trinity Seminary, Newburg, IN: ๐ŸŽ“ Driven by a deep commitment to becoming the best helper I can be, I pursued this advanced degree, focusing on open communication in the aftermath of loss.

  • EMDR Training, Trauma Institute, Northampton, MA: ๐Ÿ‘๏ธโ€๐Ÿ—จ๏ธ To provide top-notch care for trauma and grief therapy, I completed EMDR training.

  • School of the Lord and Hard Knocks, PhD: ๐Ÿ™ While formal education is essential, personal experiences have profoundly shaped me as a counselor.

With this diverse educational background and lived experiences, I bring a unique blend of knowledge and wisdom to guide you on your healing journey. ๐ŸŒฑ

Is this the right journey for you?

Our clients come from all walks of life, but they share key traits that make them a great fit for our faith-based counseling approach. Theyโ€™re open-minded and ready to embrace new experiences, which helps create an atmosphere of trust, warmth, and honesty. Their kindness, empathy, and sense of humor foster a supportive and encouraging community.

Driven by determination and self-awareness, our clients are insightful and responsible, often weaving their Christian faith into their journey of personal growth. If these qualities resonate with you, then our faith-driven approach could be the perfect fit for your healing journey.


A graphic featuring words like "faith-inspired," "persistent," "kind," and "genuine warmth" arranged around a compass design, symbolizing the core values of personal growth and self-awareness at Check Your Compass.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.


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